SaS UN Skins By Dr.EViL Installation: Place all *.pk3 files into C:Program FilesReturn to Castle WolfensteinMain Will NOT work on pure servers. Email Website 27/06/2002
//============================================================== //==================Third person view script======================== //======================created by Ätty============================ //===this is my own creation....if you
UBC Skins By Dr.EViL Installation: Place all *.pk3 files into C:Program FilesReturn to Castle WolfensteinMain Will NOT work on pure servers. Email Website 14/08/2002
I set up a poll, asking people in a Wolfenstein forum which of my planned skins they were looking forward to the most. The response was great, and the poll showed people were chomping at the bit to get more 'real' uniforms and skins, like the Canadia
Alternate Skins for singleplayer. This mod replaces nearly all of the uniform insignia on over 50 skins from the Singleplayer game with historically acurate versions