Qtracker is a fully-functional server browser, server launcher, MP3 streaming audio browser, HTML server list generator, and Remote Administration tool. Qtracker supports TCP/IP and IPX, so it can
Q3Offline is an easy to use configuration utility for playing offline. It supports Quake 3, Elite Force and RTCW. Includes a detailed manual in the .zip
[quote]Pathfinder is a little utility that queries all internet servers for game status such as connected players, current map and so on. You can simply search for friends, which are currently
Pathfinder is a little utility that queries all internet servers for game status such as connected players, current map and so on. You can simply search for friends, which are currently connected to
From the author: [quote]WV-Script is a tool made by Wolfenstein players for use by the Wolfenstein community. It enables you to easily bind keys to peform the voice radio commands in the
Q3Bench is a program that automatically benchmarks Quake3 Arena and Return to the Castle of Wolfenstein by using customized configuration files and scripts generated from the selections you make. It
This file is an update to 1.33 without the registry path check so ppl who installed new os and dont have the regkey (i dont mean mp gamekey) can install it. it again after installing win2k. This