S4NDMoD Hitsounds version 1.0 August 27, 2007 It is suggested that g_reportheadshots be set to 0 due to the fact that players will now have audiable notice of headshots. This will also keep player's screens clearer. Installation ==========
S4NDMoD Map Scripts v 1.0 Filename: S4NDMoD_Scripts_01 August 27, 2007 www.s4ndmod.com Installation ============ Place this file into/main on your server and restart the server. For deathmatch, use g_deathmatch 1 setting so that objective
Installing/Uninstalling the map: After downloading the PK3 file, place it into the "Return To Castle Wolfeinstein/main/" directory. Delete any previous mp_the_betabasOr files you might have, which can cause error in loading the maps. To uninstall s