_______________ _______________ _______________ _____ _____|______ _____| | ____________| | | / / | | | |_________ | _________ | | | | | | _________|
Other voice commands script for Wolfestein: Enemy TerritoryInstall: put voice.cfg and keymap.cfg in your main dirStart: in console run exec voiceCommand key mapTo know command key map press keypad del !BIND
ET CLASS SCRIPT by HiLL3 IRC QNET #terr0r server ip's: :: refined by Passion]NARF[ :::Team NARF ON IRC GAMESNET #NARF:::Et Class Script.. add to your etmain folder /exec
WOLFENSTEIN ENEMY TERRITORY SERVER MAKER----------------------------------------Author: VampiroIcq: 160091901Mail: paddxxxx@arnet.com.arURL: www.redactiva.netARGENTINA----------------------------------------
X---------------------------X| UberGames: Rcon Unlimited || Version: 1.0 |X---------------------------XDescription:------------Rcon Unlimited is designed to be the next generation of remote control of
________________________________________________________________________________________|Enemy Territory Loader v2.0 ||By: Kir Birger (ArmeDMonkey)
Enemy Territory Window Control v1.0Instalation:Just unzip the exe file in any folder and run it.How to Use:Start the ETWC, set a hot key, and click "enable hotkey", the run Enemy Territory in full screen or maximized, when