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Reskinned Mission Vao

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-23 00:03:00
Undercity just after you leave the Outcast Village. She comes to you very stressed about Zaalbar being kidnapped and needs your player character’s help to rescue him and from that point on she remains with you until the end of the game. LoganZezima makes his KotorFiles debut with three new re-skins of Mission Vao after having four mod releases over at the Elder Scrolls area of the FileFront network. You get three different skins to choose from; green, violet, and pink. These are actual Twi’lek skin colors this species can come with. I like the idea of the choices available since everybody has their own preference on what color they would like most. The one thing that threw me off is that the author used the large textures to do the pink colors and the medium sized textures to do the green and violet colors. The pink one will definitely come in sharper than the green and purple ones for those who use the highest graphic level settings. There are custom portraits that come with this mod that look like a simple hue change on the whole texture, which most of the time won’t be noticeable in game play. The one thing I would have added to this skin pack is Griff Vao, Mission’s brother. He will still be blue and personally I would have had those skin color choices in this release to make them look more related. If the author chooses to go back and do that, I would use the large textures for the green and violet textures too; besides that I really like the shadings done on the textures and know many people will enjoy them too. Keep up the good work and enjoy the mod everybody! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Mission Vao was a 14-year-old blue female Twi’lek who traveled with your player character in the original [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. You could pick her up as your party member in the Taris
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