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Tainted Robe

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-02 23:03:00
it simply recolors the brown Jedi robe to a red-orange-ish hue, and looks to have taken about 30ish seconds in photoshop to make. It's not bad, but it's nothing ground-breakingly original. Also added is a 'tainted robe' that uses the skin (whether the name is apt is debatable), that adds some relatively powerful boosts to your PC's stats. It's not a god item, but like many others the bonuses are too overpowered and misplaced for my liking. (Wearing this gives a bonus to your strength score why?) The specific stats include said boost to strength, +2 to wisdom, immunity to fear, and a defense bonus of 3. In keeping with the tainted name, your PC must be evil-aligned to wear it. It's an improvement over the author's first mod, but nothing exceptional in its own right. Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn't particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging. -Emperor Devon
Khaoz_Master's second robe reskin, I would say it is an improvement over the first - while the skin doesn't exactly have anything to criticize, there's not really anything about it to praise either -
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