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The Temple Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-08 23:01:00
ceiling. And he saw that it was good. Evening came, and morning came; the first stage. Now the new area was without light, or walkmesh, and-[/i]" Ahem. Sorry, got a bit carried away. :p Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a prime candidate for the 2008 Mod of the Year. Now, I can say - without fear of contradiction or correction - that this mod is entirely unique. Based on a whole truckload of research by MagnusII at Holowan, originally done for the K1RP, Quanon has created a new area. Not a re-used module, not a reskinned module - an entirely new area model. That's right - you read that correctly. :D Not just one, but two, in fact. :D So, having created these new areas, Quanon has then filled them with plenty of ghoulies, ghosties and long-leggedy beasties. :p Not only this, he's also created a new sword which you can fight for, which I can also guarantee to be unique. :p Please remember that this is a beta, however, and that there are still bugs which need to be ironed out in the area creation process. Nevertheless, it is an awesome piece of work. Quanon, I for one greatly look forward to seeing some more work from you in the (soon-as-possible :p ) in the future. :D [b]NOTE: Quanon has informed me of a file that he has accidentally packed with the mod that will cause strange side-effects with the Mystery Box sidequest. The filename is m46aa_01a.mdl, and it should be rmeoved from your Override folder after installation.[/b] -Darth InSidious [b]NB:[/b] Please leave the author constructive feedback if you download and use this mod - the download counter isn't very informative.
[i]"Now the new area was a void, without form or shape, and Quanon pondered over the AuroraBase. And Quanon said, "Let there be walls, floor, yea, ceiling, also." And there were walls, floor and
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