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Party Clothing

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-05-09 22:05:00
members only get this look if they are equipped with basic clothing, which offers...well...nothing. No bonuses other than that unique look. Well, jonathan7 returns with an admittedly simple mod that allows most of the party members of the first game to show off their unique look without leaving them completely undefended. There are six new items, one set of clothing or Jedi robes for each of the six humanoid party members: Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi, Jolee Bindo, Juhani, and Mission Vao. Each item uses the basic clothing appearance and has unique properties and description that explains how the item came into the character's possession. There are a few grammatical errors in the descriptions that the author may want to fix in a future version. ;) Anyway, the items themselves give the wearer some nifty bonuses that make wearing them worthwhile. The properties of the item vary from Force point regeneration to attribute bonuses, with each having a different set of properties in addition to the unique look and description. Also included in the mod is a .uti file that alters Darth Revan's robes. The item is no longer restricted to dark-sided players, however you can only actually get Revan's armor if your player character is aligned to the dark side of the Force during the final battle on the Star Forge. So if you're a goody goody and want the item, you'll have to use the cheat console or the savegame editor to get it. The only problem is that unlike [i]KotOR II[/i], items in the first game cannot be restricted to a specific party member. So anyone can wear any of these items; however, they won't appear to be wearing another party member's clothing, but just their own. The simple solution is to not equip the items on a different party member or the player character. ;) Each party member will come equipped with their new clothing once they join your party, which is an added bonus (no need to use the cheat console or KSE here ;)). There is an alternate version included so that the mod will be compatible with the popular [i]Weapons of the Old Republic[/i] mod, for those of you who use it. Not much more to say. If you like each character's unique appearance, but don't want to send them into battle unarmed, than give it a download. Oh, and jonathan7 is working on a version for [i]Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/i] for those of you that are interested. Enjoy! :) NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts. ~JC
One of the interesting things about the [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] games is that each party member has a unique look. It's pretty standard for any role-playing game. Unfortunately, the party
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