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Juhani Armored Clothing Varients

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-11-11 23:11:00
stat-enhancing light protection or to see the character's "standard" clothing. Wilv gives us the Juhani Armored Clothing Pack. Any party member can use these spiffy threads; which are fully upgradeable , enhance your character's save rolls, and offer a persuade bonus if put on the PC. It will look like their ordinary "street" clothing. Juhani gets an additional bonus from these clothes, as they show up on her as multicolored variants of her bodysuit. They range from an interesting green on green to a red and black combination that certainly looks like the light armor it is. Hey, good thought Wilv. Juhani's always a good place to begin with clothing mods, as there aren't many for her. These will not only look good, but do an end run around the armor restriction. (Hey, some folks don't have that mod). As always, feedback is the only payment a fan artist receives. Please be generous with the roses and onions in order to help this author make more and better mods in the future. - Allronix
As great as it can be to get your characters into various armors, the Jedi of KOTOR 1 didn't really have much - robes of the same cut, but varying colors. BORING! Sometimes, all you want is some good
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