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Pizza The Hutt

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-17 00:10:00
bot support or new sounds. This is basically just one texture pasted onto the entire skin. And it's a pizza texture, wouldn't ya know it? The team colors consist of simple hue/saturation adjustments, and the blue version makes it look like fungus of some sort, and the red version makes it look more like a burned Pizza the Hutt. There really isn't much to this idea. You'll either like it, or lump it. Me, I am in the latter area. This skin is just... ugly. And not in the good way that a Hutt should look. This could have been improved if more than one texture was used on the whole skin. It also could use new sounds, as it suffers from sounding like a human. This could turn into a cool skin, with effort. But for now, I'd steer clear from this one. ~Lord Griever~ [b]Team Colors - Yes Bot Support - No New Sounds - No[/b]
What we have here is well, Pizza the Hutt. Dr.X, the author, took the available Jabba model and skinned it with Pizza the Hutt, which is from the movie Spaceballs. It comes with team colors, but no
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