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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Jedi Knight III
Father Reelo (Santa of the future!)

Father Reelo (Santa of the future!)

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-08 00:12:00
Grinch. Yes kiddies imagine the Santa Claus of the future, no longer is he the fat plump map who sneaks down your chimney to fill your room with presents, no; he\'s the fat, majorly deformed alien with a green complexion who runs around with his lightsaber slashing anyone who dare compete with him to the the Father of Christmas...this is Father Reelo [Imperial March can be heard in the background]. Ok now the model itself, I have to be a bit serious I guess! It\'s a good conversion, the texturing is good, a little too sprayed at times but nothing major. There is also some overlap of faces and a texture mis-alignment on the leg, nevertheless because it is the season to be running around slashing insanely with your lightsaber while gaining extra points for killing the carol singers and singing songs from \'Have Yourself a Merry Little Cryptmas\'...deep breath...this skin has to be downloaded! Oh almost forgot the taunts! They\'re funny in a very strange and eery way....taunt2 is rather..well...lets just say it\'s reminding me of MJ again! (I am soooo sorry that 4/5 reviews I write say MJ somewhere, I can\'t get him outta my head...oh wait that\'s Kylie...erm...well he scares me :p) Now go sick-em! OOOOO someone make a reindeer to ride please ^.^ Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes -WadeV1589-
\'Tis the season to be jolly....far la la la la la la la *slash* Now that the carol singer has been sabered [hear\'s a loud cheer], we can look at what can only be compared to JA\'s version of the
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