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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Lightning Trooper

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-08-28 00:08:00
introduction nonsense, shall we? The skin looks as though it were made in Paint. That inherintly makes it of poor quality. Paint is not suitable for skinning purposes whatsoever unless you are an MSPaint god and like working 1 pixel at a time for hours on end. What has been done is that his overall body has been turned to mis-matching shades of light blue, and certain parts (his legs) have been dunked solid dark blue. The 'lightning effects' on the skin are lots of little squiggly marks made with a 1-pixel brush; the mirror effect the stormtrooper textures use makes this look even weirder. The way his eyes have been painted make the stormtrooper look like he constantly is wearing a sad face. Overall, very poor quality job, though the author does say it is only his second skin. My personal advice would be to get help from friends and to learn how to become fairly proficient in Photoshop or Gimp before releasing another skin on JK3files. ~Laam'inui
Well, this is something you don't get everyday. A lightning stormtrooper, from the planet 'Powstacko' (Lul, the name makes me giggle). Let's move straight on to the review instead of any more
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