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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-09-03 22:09:00
time, to be honest. When I saw the screenshots, I was actually impressed, just because it was a damned valiant effort. Essentially, the map models off of a floating island theme similar to the JKA Map [file="24867"]DKS Forest.[/file] However, this map is pretty much wasted in its efforts because there's enough trouble here to render itself dwarfed by comparison in this reviewer's eyes =_o SO, what's wrong with it, Averus? Well: - Each island's textures are bland and repetitive, with not even a moderate suggestion that there's actual grass there. - Each island's foliage is unclipped, so have fun walking through them. This may have been to help performance, but seeing as I forget if clipping affects performance(and all the other mappers I know are disposed of at the moment,) I guess I can't confirm it yet. - Lighting was completely unrealistic and downright ugly. - Music doesn't function, but was included anyway, thus jacking the file size up unnecessarily. - Some of the stalactites on the islands weren't connected properly, so you could see through them at a certain angle. - Falling with 100 HP wouldn't kill you, as it was expected the drop would have killed you. Little known fact that after a certain height, if you fall with 100 HP, you will remain with 4 HP, regardless of the height after you reach that point. You could fall off the empire state building and survive. As such, if you do manage that glorious fall, you'll have to kill yourself to continue playing. Probably would have been better to kill all that superfluous space and just put a fall trigger there. Well, besides all that, I guess I would label the map as "okay." It's not very exciting to play after all is said and done. I can't see it being very good for finding other people either, as there's pretty much a bunch of teleport options to go to different islands. Meh, it was worth the effort. Now ya just need to start the improvement phase. Good luck to ye, lad. New Textures: Nay New Music: Nay(Non-functioning) Secrets to plunder: Nay Bot Support: Nay - Averus Retruthan
Y'know, a sucky map is sorta like a death to me..once you seen enough of it, you just stop caring. That being said, I believe you have half my view on this map. It's both good and bad at the same
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