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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Battle Facility

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-27 23:12:00
except for the walls, which have now been completely changed. They are now straight flat walls, as opposed to the more shaped ones that were in the previous version and which provided a ledge around the walls for snipers to use. The original features are still here, including the small bunkers and the very big platform and walkways that dominate the center of the map, as are the curious pyramidal shaped features, which I still cant figure out what they are for! :P Another noticeable change has been with the textures. The walls, bunkers and buildings at each side of the map now use brown Bespin textures rather than the grey Imperial ones. Personally I think these new textures go great with the rest of the map, and provide a nice contrast with the grey Imperial textures, adding a little more warmth into the map. There are also a few secret areas in this map, though I only managed to find one (by being naughty and using noclip :P). Other than that the map seems to be pretty much the same as the last version, which isn’t a bad thing, since I have liked this map from the beginning for its simple, original JK2 FFA style. For improvements, I would suggest to keep working on the detailing, since adding a few details here and there can help spice up a map like seasoning on food, if you know what I mean. Again though there is no music, which is a shame, because I think some music should have been included, even if it is some of the default JK2 music, rather than custom music. Also, I do feel that the more shaped walls that were in the last version, with the ledge for snipers was a good feature, and unfortunately that has been taken out of this version. But nevertheless, keep up the good work Sir_Ryan, I look forward to seeing what changes you might make to this map in the future! :) [b]Bot Support:[/b] Yes [b]New Textures:[/b] No [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]New Music:[/b] No [b]Game Types:[/b] FFA, TFFA ~Nozyspy~
A short while back I reviewed version 3 of this map and liked it, as I have its predecessors, so what’s new for version 4? Well as far as I can tell, the layout is the same as the previous version,
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