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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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CTF Army Ground

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-08-09 00:08:00
above ground, one below. Pretty simple, isn't it? Aesthetically, the map isn't all that. A very basic layout constructed from simple primitives, quite a few cases of texture misalignment, and a lot of misused textures too. The lighting is overall bland and somewhat gloomy, which while perfect for the outdoor nighttime setting, doesn't work indoors. You'd think a military base would have some lights installed.... Also, what little lighting there is, lacks a source. Once you get past the looks, though, you get a baseline CTF map which is quite fun. Definitely not one for sabers and force. The tunnels make for some good close quarters gunplay, although personally I'd have preferred a lot of smaller tunnels than a few big ones. Still, you can have a pretty nice guns match in here, there's something for everyone - snipers, soldiers, and demolitions experts alike. Bot routing would have been nice, though. I did notice that there's a very easy way for the blue team to get into the red base, though. However, it's somewhat imbalancing, so I'll say no more. ;) ~ Kouen [b]Bot Support:[/b] No [b]Custom Models:[/b] No [b]Custom Textures:[/b] No [b]Custom Music:[/b] No
This map has the typical hallmarks you'd expect from a first map, but does compensate somewhat with the gameplay aspect. I'll start by explaining the concept. One military base, two factions. One
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