This is Modification for Far Cry, the game we all love a few details that I noticed were different weapon skins, also different skins for the mercenaries, PLUS it records your jumps... Enjoy *Full changelog below.*
-------------------------------------------- --- Enhanced Realism Modification --- -------------------------------------------- --- for FarCry Fullversion --- -------------------------------------------- Info: This Mod is optimized for Fa
************************** mp_boat V2 ************************** i forgot to remove an "invisible wall" in front of one of the stairs on the ship with the last assault-point in version 1. this made things for the attackers much more
Survivor2 alpha ------------------------------------------------------------------ installation: Copy the extracted files into the"x:Far CryLevels"-directory. Start Far Cry, open the console with "^" and typ "map survi
STRIKE FORCE MAP Map created by: Paladin 2020 Yes there will be some glitches. (my first map) There will be 3 missions in total for Strike Force. Install: Put the Strike Force folder in your levels folder. Then on the main menu of Far Cr
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is wonderfull map "Cry2". Install:extract file CRY2.rar into a FarCry/Levels map.That's it! Game:-Run game Far Cry.exe and open console(~)and type map cry2 -In the map you can move on the whole island !!!! -The
to install the map, put the "PhysicsDemoMapv2"- folder into your far crylevels folder. go ingame and open the console with "^" (without the ") and write in it: map PhysicsDemoM
This is one of the best maps i've gotten to play... It doesnt use up alot of computer resources.. also theres fun stuff to do... specially the jumps to play extract to your FarCry - Levels folder.. Enjoy!!