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Devils Island

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-30 00:07:00
this group. The island once was a notorious French penal colony, and later utilized by the European Space Agency as base for launching satellites. Nowadays the island is privately owned by GENETECH International, a large research center, said to be founded and financed by the large family empire \'Krieger Holdings\'. GENETECH International specializes in research on combinatorial biosynthesis and cloning of humanoid species. Recent reports lead to the conclusion that under the expert guidance of the brilliant scientist, Alexia Krieger, the GENETECH projects are at the brink of a major breakthrough. Your mission is to try and gain access to Alexia Krieger\'s office, and retrieve reports on current status and future expectations of the running bio-engineering projects. Unfortunately direct infiltration of this island is as difficult as escape used to be during its role as penal colony. The island defenses rely on a sophisticated satellite system called ASATS. ASATS - or Advanced Satellite Surveillance - makes undetected approach by boat or plane impossible. Under the ruthless direction of local head security - Mathilda Krieger - the well trained security personnel is highly motivated to shoot at any intruder first, and ask questions later. It will need determination and improvisation to successfully complete your mission. To survive, you must follow the instructions carefully during the mission. Target info: Devil\'s Island, Time zone: UTC-3 GENETECH International, Subdivision Combinatorial Biosynthesis Head security: Mathilda Krieger Research manager: Alexia Krieger Retrieve project status reports from Alexia Krieger\'s office End of briefing. Good luck.
Devil\'s Island mission briefing. This mission leads you to a group of islands located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean near French Guiana. Devil\'s Island is the most southerly island in
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