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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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build and Destroy

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-07-21 22:07:00
got a very linear map. It's almost like a maze, except it's hard to get lost in it. Wargtv has given us some nice looking maps in the past, but this one has more functionality than aesthetics. Each team starts off with some level 3 units that are quickly defeated by the pirate forces on the map. The Imperials have a base well fortified with turrets (more on that later), while the Rebels have a base that is easily protected by it's location. There are a couple of problems that cause this map to lose points. The first is that there are two sets of Ewoks. The Ewoks themselves aren't the problem (although this doesn't look like Endor), the problem for me is one set of Ewoks is controlled by the Rebels (and are in such a bad position they get killed by the Rancor over and over) and the other set is neutral and cannot be killed. This neutral set is too close to resource pads and makes them uncapturable (is that a word?). My other problem is that the row of turrets protecting the Imperial base don't work, and cannot be attacked. If those two things could be fixed this would be a great Dathomir Map. As with most maps that are made for EAW, I also played this on on FOC without any additional problems. the_stag
Back in the saddle after a short vacation hiatus. I had limited internet access; so I managed to test a nice group of maps and mods, now I can post them without losing my connection. Here we've
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