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DungeonDOOM XP

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-11-20 00:11:00
composed of mazes, which are generated with a pseudo-random number generator. Levels have stairs leading either to higher or lower levels of the dungeon. The lower the player descends into the dungeon, the stronger the enemies get. Killed enemies drop gold which then can be used by the player in shops to buy weapons and ammo . Much of this functionality is not part of the original Doom3 engine and has been added to DungeonDoom. The modification is highly extensible and the current 6.0 builds of DungeonDoom include an overworld, a storyline, random quests, special level bosses with special abilities, a magic system, an equipment system, a character developement system and a player ability system. -------------- Changes: -------------- - Advanced dungeon structure including stairs, platforms and various ceiling heights. - New character class 'cardmaster' based on collectible card gameplay. See specific Instructions for details. - Representation of spells and abilities by graphical icons. Revised control scheme using keys 1-9, right mouse button as shortcut for key 1 and v to replace any spellkey with key 1. - Alignment system and dynamic storyline influenced by player alignment. - NPC's in the dungeon: either killed and looted or rescued by leading them to the stairs leading up - your behavior towards npc's will influence your alignment. - More user-friendly full screen guis - nicer shop representation. - Special objects can be found in the dungeon and can be sold at the shop. The shopkeeper will trade with you -good skills will earn you more gold. - New monsters: obihb's shambler and various particle creatures. - Tough zsecs that toss grenades and instantly kill nearby player at lower levels. - Added slightly revised stamina system. Vitality influences stamina regeneration and dexterity defines speed at exhaustion level. - Various new items. - Removed the 'secret room' feature.
DungeonDoom is a Doom3 modification for Windows operating systems(Linux version to be released soon). DungeonDoom incorporates most key features of roguelike games. In particular, levels are largely
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