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Bogz Dollox DOOM

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-09-23 22:09:00
document. This mod is intended to make Doom 3 more immersive and enjoyable by heightening the realism and by making monsters smarter. The game is more difficult as a result, but not stupidly so. Please note that NO DAMAGE OR HEALTH VALUES HAVE BEEN CHANGED in this mod. The player and the monsters deal and take exactly the same amounts of damage as they did before. This mod will make Doom 3 look better and run slower - you have been warned. ------------------- Modifications: ------------------- Player Weapon Changes - Brass and decals stay indefinitely (achieved by including bugfixed "Decals Mod" by boglito - with a bug fix). - The Flashlight beam has been altered to look more realistic and allow the player to see a bit better with it. - The Shotgun is now much more realistic. It's a 12 guage instead of 13 and has 33% less spread, so it's effective at medium range. It also reloads 1 shell at a time instead of 2, and cannot miraculously jump from the middle of a reload to being fired. - The Plasma Rifle fire rate has been reduced a tiny bit, but The plasma blasts move faster. They also have a realistic looking glow (they illuminate the place, casting shadows and so on). - The Rocket Launcher and Hand Grenades have been tweaked for greater realism. The blast strength and radius of both have been altered to get much more realistic explosions (remember that the damage is the same as before). In addition the Grenades don't bounce around like rubber balls and don't explode when they touch an enemy. - The BFG now lights the place up like it should! :) - When cycling through weapons only the Shotgun, Machinegun, Chaingun, Hand Grenades and Rocket Launcher can be selected. All other weapons are skipped, so you'll need to assign shortcut keys (or use the default keys) for the Plasma Rifle, BFG and Soul Cube. This change means you don't have to cycle through crap you don't need (Fists, Pistol, Chainsaw, Flashlight - though you can shortcut to them if you really like) and you can have the three "power weapons" on hand quickly with shortcut keys that are close to your main controls. Monster Changes - Zombies only gib when hit by plasma (Plasma Rifle or BFG) or by rockets (direct hit only) and demons don't burn away, ever... so you get huge piles of (ragdoll!) bodies. :) Note that this can cause problems in certain parts of the game. For example, when a body falls in a place where it prevents a lift from moving. I'm working on it... - Self-shadowing is enabled for all monsters. This is like "UEQ" by Oneofthe8devilz, except that in this mod dead bodies are also shadowed, and non-monster characters (such as Swann and Betruger) remain unchanged so that there are no nasty graphical artifacts during cutscenes. - Monsters have had what I call procrastination code removed from their AI's. The way they "think" is all that has changed - I've not made them move faster or anything like that. They will now attack/dodge/leap/charge/etc whenever they can instead of casually ambling towards you while you mow them down. This is perhaps the most significant change, and it results in a dramatic improvement in gameplay. The changes for each monster are as follows: ZSEC ZOMBIES: They will fire at you whenever they can and dodge whenever you fire back. The ones with shotguns now fire at the same rate as your shotgun does. IMPS: They will leap whenever they get a chance and will fire at you non-stop the rest of the time. MAGGOTS, TRITES, TICKS and CHERUBS: They will dodge whenever you fire at them, and will attack ruthlessly once they get within leaping range. PINKIES: They will not bother to roar or dodge. They'll just charge right at you and not stop until one of you is dead. Kiss goodbye to those valuable seconds you used to gain when they stopped to have a yawn and a stretch... WRAITHS: They won't go invisible anymore. This is because when they go invisible you just have to aim down 45 degrees with the shotgun, wait for them to conveniently appear in your crosshair and then pull the trigger, which is so easy it's boring. Wraiths actually move very fast while visible (this is not something I've changed, they were like that before) and are much more challenging that way. Deal with them quickly or suffer the consequences. LOST SOULS: They will charge at you from miles away, and once they start attacking they won't stop. Make sure you take them out before they get close! TENTACLE COMMANDOS and CACODEMONS: They will not pause between shots. CHAINGUN COMMANDOS and ARCHVILES: They will fire at you whenever they can and dodge whenever you fire back. HELLKNIGHTS, REVENANTS and MANCUBI: They have had their attack AI tweaked. Basically they are a bit more aggressive (they were pretty damn aggressive already so not much need for change there).
This is Version 2 of the Bogz Dollox Doom mod for Doom 3. It is the same as the original mod, but with some bug fixes and minor changes. These changes are noted in [square brackets] in this
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