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D3 In the Dark

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-07-17 22:07:00
RoE)[/file], so if you have already downloaded it, there is no need to download this update; The purpose of this update is for those of you that do not play, and only need content for [i]DooM³[/i]. There have been a few fixes made in this update, these include: [list] [*]The first table in the [b][i]AlphaLabs 2 map[/i][/b] is now movable. [*]Changed to a [u]new[/u], smart A.I. for monsters, zombies, npcs and Sentrys. What does this mean? Simply, that they will now hunt [b]you[/b]. [*]Twi imp containers (in [b][i]Delta 2b map[/i][/b] were without lights, this has been fixed. [/list] If you\'re new to D3 In the Dark, and are wondering what it brings to your D3 gaming experience...then wonder no more! Things that go bump in the dark, will take on a whole new meaning, as the only source of illumination that will be found in this download will be the flashlight that you carry, or the one mounted on your pistol and shotgun, a few desklamps, and some swinging, half lit ceiling lights. You\'ll be amazed at how different DooM³ feels when you install this download! Some of you have thought it, and some have spoken it...whether it\'s a paralizing fear of the dark, or just a plain dislike for dark games, if this is the case, this mod may not be for you...if you thrive on challenge, and enjoy the unknown, start your download now!
This is an update to the full version of Dafama2K7\'s mod [file=\"81072\"]D3 In the Dark (v2.5)[/file]. This is the same file that is included in [file=\"81106\"]D3xp In the Dark (v2.5.1
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