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D3 Ghost Level 2 MP

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-26 00:12:00
20 people , a large amount of textures was used and thats the main reason the loading takes a few more seconds . There's also music playing in the backround and it was probably taken from the Doom 3 singelplayer camping and it fits in perfectly with the map. While playing the map i encountered a large amount of lag when moving from one room to another (the main reason for that is my Radeon 9200SE wich isent worth a dolar) , so i woulden't recommend this map to users with slower machines and not so great gfx-cards , unless they want to have a ping up to 400 . :eek: [b]The map itself[/b] : The map includes alot of dark coners to hide and wait for the right moment , its high enough so if jumping from on ladder to another you take 25 damage . There are at least 5 diffrent wall textures used in the map but not all rooms in the map have a proper light source and looks strange going from one room thats totally bright to an underground sewer . Its great for both Deathmatch fanatics aswell as for those who like slower gameplay and like to camp . None the less the map is great and fun to play especialy with alot of people :D if you have a good enough gfx-card and enought system RAM to run its smothley . :rolleyes: [i] The map was reviewed by Loky [/i]
[i]This is the final version of D3 Ghost Level 2 MP and it fixes some bugs that were reported by users while playing the beta . [/i] The map is really large and can be used in larger LAN's up to
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