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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-29 00:12:00
contain the megahealth and invisibility.[/i] which is so clear that I had to read it 5 times to understand it! lol...Don\'t review maps at 0320 when you\'re tired, simple sentences become complex statements that you spend 15 minutes trying to understand until it clicks it\'s a really simple statement! So this map of two floors of 9 rooms and two floors of 1 room (told you it was simple!...blonde me)...although after playing it I was totally confused! The way it is designed really makes you think of sci-fi films set in some weird alien space station; everything is beautifully crisp with strange light patterns - I was in awe of that to be honest when I saw the map; as far as details in the map go, there are none but the simplicity of this map is its greatest feature. You get rooms that are identical in style connected to each other with corridors; each room has a ladder and the separation is done by doors. You can probably see in the screenshots these rooms are big enough in size that if you have 9 of these rooms spread over 2\'re going to need a fair few people to be able to frag frequently! Lighting wise while I can see the darkness is part of the map; I think maybe it\'s just a bit too dark; you\'re going to rely a lot on listening to which doors are opening around you to work out where people are coming from so if you have surround sound you\'re in luck! [i]Reviewed by: WadeV1589[/i]
The readme states [i]This is a fast paced map made up of a series of interconnecting cube rooms with 9 on both the second and third levels with just one central room on the first and fourth which
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