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Doom III
Hosted Mods
Beta Releases
Last Man Standing Coop Multiplatform

Last Man Standing Coop Multiplatform

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-05-26 22:05:00
Last Man Standing Version Beta 0.3 channel #lms-mod For the LMS news join our newsletter at Instructions: To use the archive, put it in the doom3 folder (not the base folder) and unzip the archive. After using the installer or archive, load up doom 3, hit the mods button, and select Last Man Standing Beta 0.3 from the list. You should now be ready to kick some horde ass, enjoy. Performance Suggestions: If you are getting a lot of lag there are a few things you can do to improve gameplay. 1) Turn off shadows (under advanced in options -> system) 2) Lower the doom 3 video quality level in options -> system 3) Defrag your hard drive 4) Update video drivers 5) Reduce the number of other programs running Beta 0.3 Feature List: Main features are Single Player Levels Coop support, new DB shotgun model, sounds, code, new maps and older ones tweaked, Infrared vision and a lot more! --- BUG FIXES --- - Clients now see a message if a player was killed by monster. - Damage feedback sound disabled, now only see the red dots for hitting monsters. - Server sends regular heartbeat every 30 minutes because we've heard problems with server not being in server browser after some time. - Entities not being shown on clients, mainly concerns SP COOP maps. - Not synching monsters becoming nonsolid when dead. - Message being displayed if player killed by monsters. - Go directly to GAMEON state without a map restart after map load. - Monsters could deal damage a few seconds after being killed. - SP now uses same spawning as MP, should make hobbes modified SP maps work. - Not being able to spawn when in gametype SP COOP - items triggered was given to all players in SP - The rectangle for "New Game" was too short, the last e was partially cut. - Fixed the "join server" and "ip connect" buttons in the join game menu. - Removed score limit variable from create server menu - Added highlight to a lot of menu buttons - Most menu buttons now make a sound when you click them. - The "QUIT" text no longer stays highlighted when going from quit menu back to main menu. - fixed about 7 mphud.gui and mainmenu.gui warnings send during compilation of them. No warnings now. - MP variables could occasionally not be set correctly before entering the server browser menu. - PDA works and can now be closed - Tooltips, objectives are displayed - The first player name is no longer invisible in the join server menu - HUD scoreboard width increased to make score fit - Scoreboard title for score count is now "Score:" and not "Frag:" - Ammo no longer show for weapons without ammo. - SP games should no longer be posted on internet. - Plasmathrower tweaked for lag and should not cause crashes anymore - Many others not listed --- IMPROVEMENTS --- - Infrared vision included, bindable in the menu - Chaingun has a cooldown now to help make it balanced - Double barrel shotgun model and sounds added, code tweaked and updated - Clients can now easily change between playing SP maps and LMS maps by voting on gametype. - Added map restarts option in create server menu. - Clients can now set noclip and god mode in console provided that server has net_allowCheats set to 1 - Better AI when more than one person is playing - Increased maximum number of players to 8 (mainly for LAN play). Still 4 is the recommended because maps have 4 spawnpoints. - The multiplayer menu now has the gold color theme - New cvar g_debugReliableMessages which should be turned on to help debug reliable message overflows. - There's a new trigger_monster_mission to be used on defense maps - Spectators can talk to players by default - Can see HP, frags in both MP AND SP on player/npc focus. - New look to the gui on player/npc focus - Servers can now be sorted by column in the server browser - Changed colors of lists in menu to make them more readable - Increased map list height in SP menu - splash screen for mars_city1 added (splash screen seen in create server gui) - option to turn on/off menu music - option to set graphics level from low to ultra - SP/MP game only start after you release the mouse button, not when you click down. - When pointing cursor at player or NPC their name and score pops up. - Merged with opencoop 2.0 - SP gametype is now based off of single player HUD not mp hud. - Gametype filtering. Server browser now only shows the doom 3 mod servers. - Optimized projectile synchronization - No HUD scoreboard when playing SP games. - Removed gametype voting from in-game menu. - Removed the possibility to toggle your team in the multiplayer menu. - Added a slider for the volume in main menu - Added a slider for the music volume in main menu - Uses g_volumeMusic to change in-game music volume - Warning on HUD if playing SP/LMS maps with wrong gametype. - Warning on HUD if not using spawnServer to play - Goes to the mp gui in SP COOP gametype - Removed fraglimit info from scoreboard - Removed the possibility to toggle your team in the multiplayer menu. - Updated maps, and more! Maps- def_fortcomp - Calimer def_kaiser3 (Onslaught)- Kaiser kf_bunker - MercyKiller kf_chambers - MercyKiller kf_commandoattack - Spawn-FT kf_kaiser2 (Human Disposal) - Kaiser kf_labyrinth - B33rman kf_trapped - Timbobsteve prog_doomship - B33Rman prog_hangar - Timbobsteve prog_kaiser1 (Omega Anomaly) - Kaiser Music: Neurosphere -- Lost Angel's Last Flight We Just do as we Want The Bonestorm Last Man Standing Skaven -- They Crave Cannon Angel Past The Chase Opaque-- None used yet, will be in 0.4 The Mod Team: Agent Spork - Mapping AO - Coding B33Rman - Mapping, Scripting, FX BurN - Webmaster, Graphics Calimer - Project leader, Public relations, Mapping Iten - Coding Kaiser - Mapping MercyKiller - Mapping Timbobsteve - Mapping, Scripting Contributors: Altheus Stone - 3D Modeling Danamo - Graphics, 3d Modelling Morten Jorgenson - 3D Modelling Revility - 3D Modelling (DB shotgun) Sgt. Commander Neurosphere - Music and Sound Spawn-FT - Mapping Nocturn - Music SirVentolin - Offerred some lag advice Beta Testers: Hobbes - Beta Testing, SP coop support XxLaVaxX - Beta Testing, misc help Nocturn - Beta Testing Knube - Beta Testing BigTarget - Beta Testing Other Credits: hobbes - We'd like to thank hobbes for his amazing help in getting the SP coop maps running. We really appreciate what you've done and the community is sure to have a blast playing SP coop. XxLaVaxX - Lava has been an extremely active Beta Tester along with hobbes and we cannot thank you enough for this. Your help with 0.3 has been so useful, thanks! Revility - Revility graciously donated the double barrel shotgun! He did the modeling, texturing and animations. Thank you so much Revility! The gun turned out way better than I could of ever imagined! nicemice - A special thanks to nicemice for all of his help with the coop code and for letting us use his source code. Our SP Coop gametype was largely based off of his Open Coop mod. We really appreciate all of your help, and it is always nice to see you stop by our irc channel. Check out nicemice's opencoop at Bluehair - I'd also like to give a special thanks to Bluehair of He has been a huge help to the mod with all of his constant support with posting our news and files, and other mod related help. Your assistance is as always, greatly appreciated ;D Brian Harris - Thank you as well Brian Harris for your part in helping Beerman with Infrared vision among other things. We really appreciate your prompt and informative assistance, thanks! We would like to extend a special thanks to the Doom 3 Community for your continuing support. We would also like to thank Id software for making the kick ass game that started it all: DooM. Personal messages from the team (In alphabetical order): AO: Happy to release beta .3! Want to thank hobbes and the awesome beta testers to help us see the bugs both in the SP maps and the LMS maps. Also thanks to the community for suggesting improvements. This release was supposed to be a bugfix release, but turned out to be so much more, we have so much new stuff in the release it's amazing. Don't think it's been easy, there's been A LOT of work done by several people, I'm just happy I've found others guys with the the talent and same passion for games. calimer: I'm really amazed at the progress we have been making in this mod. We just keep on pumping out more and more content. I even asked the team if they felt the need for a small break since I wanted to make sure people were not getting overworked and everyone wanted to keep going. In 0.4 you will see a bunch of new maps that are already being worked on. 0.4 is going to be a map polishing release so expect significant improvements in that area for the next release. In the meantime enjoy our maps with lots of bug fixes in LMS Mod and also play SP Coop which is nearly completely working. I really want to give a huge thanks to the team and to our beta testers for all of their hard work. Also to Revility for all of his hard work on the double barrel shotgun, you rock! As Beta Testers Hobbes and XxLavaxX have been especially awesome in providing great feedback. Also I would like to thank the community for providing all the support they have such as all the positive feedback, hosting servers, etc, it really has been awesome, thank you so much. Enjoy all the new features of 0.3 :D -Michael "calimer" Tomaino Kaiser: Enjoy LMS because its going to get better and better! MercyKiller: This release has been fairly eventful. We're raising the bar in quality control for everything. Think of this release as a technology release. Code has been optimized, SP coop is now supported, and we're laying the groundwork in terms of weapon models and other gameplay tweaks to really have some great maps next release. You may notice that some of the maps in beta 0.2 are not included with beta 0.3. This is due to quality control reasons. Expect all the old maps to be back in beta 0.4, revamped and overhauled to be even more fun and action packed! I'm also really impressed with the way to community has come alive and helped us out. Hobbes, your work has been great! Beta testers, ya'll are awesome. My personal thanks in this release has to go to B33Rman for putting up with my barrage of scripting questions. I appreciate it dude. Stephen "MercyKiller" Youts Timbobsteve: This is mainly a bug release build. We focused mainly on fixing problems that were discovered during the public testing of Beta 0.2. By rights we would have liked to have no bugs in Beta 0.2 but alas this is not the nature of Development. You won't find alot of new content just added functions that should help make the game alot more solid to play. As always our development is strongly controlled by user responses and feedback.. So use the forums and e-mail details to let us know what u think. On a small side note, it should be noted that the last man standing team fully supports user made maps. While we do have our own map dev team it is strongly believed that the success of a game in the public domain is largely due to user-made content. So start collecting those ideas for cool maps. If u have a great idea for a map, but lack the ability to see it through post your thoughts on our forums and some of your map ideas might be taken on board by the dev team. NOTE: we also supply a mapping guide on our site, which is also included in the release. -Timbobsteve Final note: I hope you enjoy our beta and please feel free to contact us about any problems you have, whether you like it or dislike it, anything. We'd really like to hear from you. Take care. -calimer channel #lms-mod For the LMS news join our newsletter at
PLEASE READ OUR [url=""]FAQ[/url] Also feel free to report bugs [url=""]here[/url] Doom 3 Coop Mod
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