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Fire Base Alpha

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-04-26 00:04:00
Marines were about to be over run by thousands of VC and NVA troops. The center of the map is a base with a barbwire fence around it and watchtowers and sandbag bunkers. Very limited vehicles on both sides. The US has a huey transport and a moble spawn, a NON-repawning Cobra, 1 tank, 3 APC's and 5 jeeps. Also I gave them some artillary to defend themselves. The VC have four spawn points, each with 1 arty and a vehicle(some 2). Any server that runs this map should set your US:VC ratio about 1:2 or 1:3 in favor of the VC seeing as how the only way the VC will win is by over running the US base. It will be a challenge as there is only one entrance in and a "semi" entrance in the rear and they are all very well defended. Better to play this map with lots of people. If any one has any suggestions to improve this map, feel free to e-mail them to me at Feel free to distribute this map as you like but DO NOT change any of it without my permission first.
Firebase_Alpha: This is a map is my first attemp, so please to be to harsh on your comments!...LOL. I based this map loosely on the movie "The siege of firebase Gloria" of in which about 100
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