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Chase at Fushe

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-12-23 00:12:00
perpetrator was identified as Jing Tung, a gifted code breaker.In 1994 he entered MIT on a student visa, gaining his doctorate in Computer Science, specifically in the field of Digital Cryptology. He became affiliated with the US Government's OVERREACH program, acting as specialist writing cryptology programs to protect US interests. He continued this affiliation up until 2002, at which point he defected back to China. It was not suspected at the time that he had been a spy, but further investigation revealed that he had not only taken Sensitive code, but also lethal information pertaining to Experimental Nuclear Technology. During a Top-Secret 2003 raid it was presumed that he had been killed along with the rest of the Squadron he had been stationed with. In late 2005 several attacks on the CIA mainframe were recorded, but the origins could not be traced, those are currently being looked at for a connection. Jing Tung resurfaced 2 months prior to the incident. During the hacking attempt information vital to the security of the United States and the details of several Highly Specialized operations were stolen, and the content of thousands of other files were compromised. This mission is highly secret and extremely dangerous. Jing has not only received training from Special Forces during his time while working for the government, but he is also a high ranking officer in the PLA. He will be undoubtedly well guarded, and his position will be highly fortified. You will be performing a H.A.L.O. jump over the base where Jing was last spotted and ground troops will be stationed at either side of the camp. This hopefully should keep the perpetrator within the cutoff area and allow you to apprehend him with minimal resistance. His escape is NOT an option. If we fail there will be no second chances and, if it is absolutely required, you have full permission to use lethal force. Good Luck.
--------------/ Chase at Fushe /-------------- ¤ Storyline: In late June 2007, the NSA logged 5 attempts by an unknown source to hack into sensitive US security banks. Within 3 days the
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