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Cardassian Makur Class

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-17 23:02:00
in Star Trek and the Makur Battlecruiser is a lofty addition to this highly militarized society's armada. Looking at the Makur it certainly ticks all the correct boxes to be a genuine Cardassian design. It has roughly the same frontal hull as the Janissary but is much larger in size and has some extra hull components on it's ventral side. It certainly fits the design lineage of the Sartan, Rasiliak, Vasad and Brinok that appear in Armada 2 so it gets a thumbs up for incorporating the generic Cardassian design. [b]Background/Concept[/b] The Makur class Battlecruiser is an advanced heavy cruiser, built towards the end of the Dominion war to serve as a frontline command ship. It is slightly larger than the Galor class warship, with equally powerful weapon systems, and improved armour and sheilding. The Makur Refit, was built with newly acquired armour technology from the Dominion, and features further upgraded shielding and plasma weaponry. Overall it's not as imposing as the Hutet but it's still a cracking vessel that should be downloaded to bulk up the Union's Fleet... Now only if [i]Kentar[/i] had this at his disposal.......:) - [b]IKS[/b] CREDIT UPDATE: Original mesh concept and design creator: RavenNight
A new addition to the Spoonhead Fleet, and a great addition it is from [b]Avon[/b]- The brand new and very shiney Makur Class. The Cardassian Fleet are probably one of my favourite fleets design-wise
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