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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Cardassian Colony Ship

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-27 23:12:00
whether by assimilating the planet or by landing some people on it and letting them embark upon the establishment of cities and structures and so forth. What's never been exactly clear is why the Federation or Romulans would see fit to do this by sending apparently active-duty servicemen or civilians smack into the centre of a war zone in order to establish said colonies. Perhaps more stupid than this, they also commit them to land on a planet via a ship.... and then provide no apparent means of defense for these ships beyond a defensive shield! And this is standard practice even for Klingons and the Borg! Baffling as their inclusion into the game might seem, Dan1025 refused to stop at the simple re-make of all the stock combat vessels, even the recently released Dreadnought class. What we have here is a beautiful re-dress of the Cardassian colony vessel. While not much can be said for its abilities in-game (hey, look, it lands on planets just like the old one), the poly count is nice and low, and the textures are quality. Of course, this'll replace the stock colony ship, but it comes with a new buildbutton, wireframe, and Admirals Log pic, so it's got that going for it.... which is nice. Hey, Cardassian civilians --don't leave home without it. :cool:
Probably the single most controversial aspect of Armada is the planetary colony. Essentially another means of generating crew as a resource, the colony requires a ship in order to make it happen--
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