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New World Acropolis

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-09-18 00:09:00
\'Plus\' version described below. Each player starts on a raised hill mostly surrounded by cliffs, for a starting position that is more easily defensible. The start areas are similar to the Acropolis map from AOM if you are familiar with that game, with 2 \'ramps\' or paths from the clifftop to the base level. This map represents an \'unknown\' land with a wide variety of randomly chosen terrain patterns possible (19 patterns total), each with fauna, treasures, and decorations to fit the theme. The Native Americans also roughly fit the terrain patterns as well. Player starting positions will randomly vary a good bit, especially on 2-player games. The map is just slightly larger that the standard ES maps, such as Carolinas or Great Plains. This map supports FFA play of any player number. The map is of a contiguous land area, with a possibility of some cliffs, and/or a lake, mountains, canyon, or hills in the center. On this map there can be much more variation in elevation than on the standard ES maps, and the above listed terrain features are not just included for appearance - their presence can influence gameplay by acting as natural barriers. Trade Routes randomly vary between 6 different types of routes, each with at least 2 possible patterns of Trade Post placement per route. There are 10 possible patterns for the number and location of the Native Villages. There can be as few as 2 villages, or as many as 12 on a map, and this is partly dependent on player number. These will be of one or two types of natives per map. The NA villages can be placed one or two per player or at certain places along a map axis or per side of the map. These should always be placed roughly symmetrically as far as the number of villages per team or side of the map. This map is rich in resources. The food resources on each map can vary slightly. There are always 4-5 \'herds\' of some type per player - the numbers vary randomly and types will vary per map theme. Most of the maps have sheep, cows or llamas (the \'tropical\' maps and the \'yukon\' maps do not), and those that do not have herdables have an additional group of huntable animals. Most of the maps patterns have some berries at the start area (but not the snow patterns), and some have some extra berries scattered about the map. For the maps with a lake or ponds there may be a few fish at most, but never enough for a good dock boom since the focus of this map is on land. All maps have 2 silver mines per player in the start hill area. In addition, there are an additional several mines per player farther away. Some of these extra mines will be gold mines rather than silver mines for additional available coin. Forests are placed fairly and all players have a few small clumps of trees in the start area to be sure initial wood access is equal. Treasures or nuggets are keyed to the map type or pattern - a total of 6 per player per map - 2 of the easy ones nearby, and 4 of increased difficulty further off (always there are per player: one level 2, one level 3, one level 4 and randomly one either level 2 or 3 treasure). This map has an amazing number of randomly chosen variations possible - each of the 19 terrain patterns or \'skins\' can have 2 lighting sets for a variety of appearances, 2 different patterns of fauna choices, and each has at least a few variants in the possible terrain features. Each map has the above-mentioned multiple variations in Native and Trade Route patterns, and the player starting positions varies unlike the standard ES maps. In standard 2 team games, teams are opposite, but can start in any of the 4 quadrants, at a variety of distances from the map edge. The distance between players on a team can vary significantly, causing the need to consider different strategies for teamwork and mutual protection. Sometimes teammates will be relatively close together for such a large map. For 2 player games, there is even more variation in the player start positions and the enemy may not be directly opposite you! Other features that have been randomly varied include the size and shape and height of cliffs, the size, density and underbrush of forests, the size and number of lakes, forested hills or elevation, and many other features. In the \'Plus\' version, the only difference is the addition of 2 outpost wagons for each player at the start. Both map scripts are contained in the same zip file. The \'Plus\' version plays only a little differently, allowing a bit more defensive play and reducing the chance that an early rush will succeed. You get to decide whether to use the outpost wagons defensively at your base or to use them to expand and hold territory.
New World Acropolis A random map script for AOE3 by RF_Gandalf New World Acropolis is a new random map for Single-player or Multiplayer use. The zip file actually contains 2 maps, including a
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