Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-04 10:51:16 141 view
ZPS (Source Engine 2007) can't handle the same shaders effects like 2013 and Contagion. So I had to re-do the texture and make sure it doesn't glow in the dark. I'm sorry if the texture is horrible, since my friends who are experienced Texture Artist's wasn't online and/or was to busy with important stuff.
inside the ZIP you got 2 folders, Materials and Models put them under the following folder (This folder will NOT exist by default!):
Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\zpscustom
if that doesn't work, put them inside the zps folder. (WARNING: IT WILL OVERRIDE DEFAULT CONTENT!)
The model/texture and the animations belongs to Monochrome LLC. I do NOT take any credit of anything. The only thing I've done is making sure it got ported over to 2007 Engine (ZPS).
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