Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-04 12:40:48 259 views
Filename: UT99 WarBoss Pack
Version: Final
Author: ZeroError2K8
Final release of the UT99 WarBoss pack that I was working on. All 4 skins included from the original sources and enhanced through photoshop.
Ive included shaders and made some other fancy features for the models. Ive also included the Xan voicepack made by Rainecloud to complete the pack.
Tools used:
Unreal Package Tool
3DS Max
Photoshop 7.0
Unreal Ed 2.0
Type of File: zip
Custom Static Meshes: Yes
Custom Textures: Yes
Custom Animations: No
Custom Sounds: No
Custom Music: No
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