Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-04 12:29:35 200 views
Unreal Championship 2 Model Pack for UT2004 by urPackage
-This model pack includes 37 characters from Unreal Championship 2 The Liandri Conflict Xbox Game plus voicepacks and UC2 Announcer.
-Extract UC2FinalRev3.rar to UT2004 Directory
-Original diffuse textures
-Original environment maps
-Original voicepacks (13 main characters)
-Original announcer
-Original bios
-Original skin vertex weight rigging
-Original shaders
-Original Team skins
-Original Emissive/light maps
-Original Specular maps
-Original/Custom portraits
Beta V1
-Initial Release
Beta V1.1 Additions/Updates list:
-Added Malcom
-Added Raiden
-Added Mercenary Anubis
-Added Anubis with no helm
-Added Security Bot
-Added Malcom/Devastation/Raptor/Corrosion/Syzygy Emissive maps
-Added Custom portraits for any character without one
-Reduced Specular level by half on all chars (previous release spec level was extremely high and some chars looked candy coated)
-Changed Nakhti/Skaarj/Necris/Bot character spec maps to originals
Beta V1.2 Additions/Updates:
-Removed hand made team skins
-new 4 color team skins on all characters
-team skins use original textures
-team skins use original alpha channel for combiner/shader
Final V1 Additions/Updates:
-Added Ahket (no head texture)
-Rerigged Bot/Skaarj characters
-Male Bot characters now properly use BotA Anims
-Skaarj characters now properly use SkaarjUT2004 Anims
-Removed Skaarj blades (anims looked weird with them)
-Security Bot portrait added
-Security Bot textures fixed
-Separated Skaarj and Bot chars into separate animation packages
-reduced texture mask sizes to original (no reason to enlarge)
-changed texture mask compression to DXT3
Final V2 Additions/Updates:
-Redid teamskins for every character (previous alpha was incorrect checked original xbox game and now the teamskins match)
-Removed team masks/combiners
-Added UTComp compatible teamskins for every character (Requires manual UPL edit...remove "_Shader" from upl data)
-DXT3 Alpha Compression
-Added Malcom Voicepack
-Rerigged all characters (pivot points better now)
-Added UC2 Announcer (UC2 Fem/MK Announcer combo)
-Added Nali Windstalker Character
-Added Necris Female Character
Final Revision 3 Updates:
-Cleaned up texture package (deleted unused/unecessary items and some renaming)
-Reduced Specular Maps (was still way too high)
-Changed Environment Maps to Cubemap based
-Added Team Emissive Maps (Malcolm/Devastation/Brock/Corrosion/Syzygy)
-Referenced fallback textures for all shaders
-Added some missing bio entries
-Added separate MP specific .upls in System/UC2 MP UPL/ directory (these are the same ones as SP with shader references taken out)
Known issues:
-Ahket head original texture is missing
-Nali Windstalker original texture missing
-Necris Female original texture missing
-Hair/cloth items are not animated and collide with meshes
-Other minor animation issues
-MP not extensively tested
-This is the last revision of this model pack
Software used:
-C-Xbox Tool
-Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 64-bit
-Adobe Photoshop CS4
-Epic Games - Models/Textures
-Gildor - Umodel
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