Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 12:57:25 151 view 
BP icon coming soon
Papers & papers & tapes all for my baby's mistakes just so my carpets and drapes DON'T GET SHITTED AWN!
I looked and realized how many gold South wrench skins they're are and just realized mine was like the 4th one BUT, I do believe mine is the only one that actually looks like gold, Also I have a pretty clever name.
Also, I'm not one to make Australium skins alot so enjoy, There won't be alot of these from me mostly because they seem played out, But I always wanted my wrench to have gold instead of steel with the razorblade and spikes and shit.
So instead of looking for one I just made one, Posted it than looked and realized it was the 4th Gold Southern Wrench skin
Please leave comments below, I enjoy feedback on my skins, its what fuels me to make more skins.

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