Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-23 11:23:20 97 views
here is the final version of the skeleton scout it has all the things that the original release should have had
*change log since release 1
added gibs
added LOD's
added player hud and selection menu icons
added v_models
added c_scout_arms
added player source released rigs and such
evil_ice added new bone textures
as you can see from the change log i have added alot of stuff the player source stuffs took FOREVER to figure out how to get the lod's out of .dmx form
i have added some gibs (scout_gib005a, b, and c) these are the replacements for the arm gibs and the other crap (gib003 is not included in the qc so it doesnt come out when gibbed)
i wanted to get facial animations but superaldo didnt contact me so that didnt happen D:
the player source stuffs when compared to the first version are much better
the v_models replace the default weapons only whereas the c_scout_arms replace the just the arms not any replacements you have for those models
me and bolty danced around the idea of a flaming head but decided not to do it
jjjrmy was going to do the icons but i got impatient and did them myself
NeoDement (or Dement on here) was going to do the v_model preperation but i got impatient after a couple of weeks of asking (had previous promises so i am not mad... rather, understanding)
on a final note i have a poll on wich one i should do next the spy is in the works and someone wanted the soldier after that so yeah vote for the next one in my profile as for the pyro i am not sure to do give me some ideas because i am clueless (not really, "clueless" but i have a couple of ideas but i would rather have some input instead)
and for those of who want to see it i have a comparison shot of the original compile and the source stuffs compile
*extract models and materials to TF
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