| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-22 20:55:18 105 views
This is an update to my previously released "Realistic Sandman".I was very unhappy with Valves, and well, you get it. The phong has been fixed, and I included the ball in this one.
To Install:
Extract then copy the files in to your .../steam/steamapps/username/teamfortress2/tf folder.
If you have custom skins already, just copy the v_bat and v_baseball folders in to your .../tf/materials/models/weapons folder.
If you have a custom bat (normal bat) copy the v_baseball folder like above, but copy the v_wooden_bat vtf and vmf in to your existing v_bat folder.
Thanks for rating and downloading!
If you enjoyed, please rate my skin.
Only constructive criticism is welcomed.
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