Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 10:18:48 63 views Yeah guys, this is my pack of simplified weapons for Trolldiers, it includes the Mantreads, the Market Gardener and the Rocket Jumper (Because truly Trolldiers do not use Shotguns)
This is my first skin that I put into Gamebanana, then something can probably be wrong, but do not worry, I will try to resolve it as soon as possible
My main goal in making simplified skins isn't to flood GameBanana with "uncreative" content or show that I have "ability" creating skins in just 10 minutes, but help those who do not like unnecessary details in your weapons (As competitive players) or those that are "forced" to see lost pixels because of DirectX 8 / DirectX 8.1
Questions? Critiques? Suggestions? You can send to me in the comments below or through a PM on GameBanana
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