Oh my, that Render. (it's been a year since I touched Photoshop, I give you permission to hate me)
Since of the new damn update, i've decided to make a scout animation redo because I was never accepted of the release for it. (this is like my 4th time releasing this thing through hit and miss)
Stuff to know:
Pbpp uses a alternate texture that the winger also uses in the last screen
animation redone and engie anim base used
Inspection animations made (I don't own a TF:GO reskin so I couldn't record it)
Enjoy the release while it lasts...i'm lookin at you Updates and mostly Source 2...
(GROUP): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CreatorsofAssault this will be for when there are new mod updates and such you keep you warned when I released a mod or some shite.