Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 10:01:03 174 views Update: 4/1/15 1:20 AM EST
Added custom grappling hook anims, but it's not like you'll see them in-game anyway.
No. This isn't some April Fools joke.
Mini update (Hotfix) - 4/1/15 4 AM EST
Turns out my grapple anims were broken for no reason, and I couldn't fix them. So now it just uses Valve's anims. I should have used HLMV.
Update: 7/11/14 12:50 AM EST
- Fixed the needles in the Syringe Gun idle
- Updated the Bonesaw animations!
Update: 6/20/14 4:03 AM EST
- Fixed animations for most recent update
- New bonesaw draw animation
- Updated Syringe Gun origin
- Updated Syringe Gun reload (improved left hand movement)
- New Syringe Gun fire
- Renamed from "Medic FPS Re-Animation" to "Medic First Person Re-Animation"
The first animations I made with a fancy IK rig!
I tagged this "hacked default model" because I edited the v syringe/medi-gun models a bit. I fixed the weird vial UV mapping and parenting and stuff.
Just because I released this doesn't mean I'm abandoning it. I will update this. Maybe later today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year.
If you want to be notified of when I update this (or upload a new submission) directly through steam, join my group! Or you could just watch this through Gamebanana or something
I can't think of anything else to say. Report bugs and stuff.
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