Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 10:04:15 155 views Makes the Smock Surgeon to have a more appropriate color for blu team.
This will match with hats like: Medic's Mountain Cap / Team Captain / Vintage Tyorlean / Brotherhood of Arms / Baron von Havenaplane / Gentleman's Gatsby / Medi-Mask / Titanium Tyrolean / etc.
Notice: RED Skin is not included in this pack, it was just a preview to show everyone how the vanilla color is in game, matching the RED Color from Medic's Mountain Cap and many other hats.
Paintabillity still works.
Blood in BLU Variation was slighty edited for better results (like if the blood is a bit old and it penetrated in the clothing).
Includes VPK and non-vpk.
*if is according to rules*
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