Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-23 02:37:25 93 views
Pyro's Top Hat & Monocle
Made by: Barlim - drbiggles@gmail.com
This was a spur-of-the-moment model that I whipped together quickly because someone suggested that the pyro needed a top hat and monocle. This seemed preposterous to me, since he wouldn't be able to wear them very well over his mask. Preposterous... enough to work! Have fun with it, and let me know if anything is off with the orientation (I did a little screwing around with the file after the final in-game test, but I don't think it will have affected anything).
I didn't have a pyro hat to test it out in-game, so thanks to Mysticfire from the Steam forums for graciously donating his head.
-The band around the hat turns red or blue when you switch teams. That took EXTREME SCIENCING to accomplish (note: Lie. A monkey could do it).
-Yes, I know I spelled "monocle" wrong on the texture files. Too bad.
-If anyone wants I can separate the hat and monocle into two other model files for customization factor.
Apparently the materials for this model weren't working on servers using a whitelist, which was due to my putting the materials in an improper subfolder. I've re-uploaded with the right directory structure... at least, if I'm understanding this correctly. I've put the materials folder into "...tf\materials\models\player\items\", which I'm assuming is what a server admin would put in their whitelist to OK hats, as this is the default hat material folder for all the classes.
If you've already downloaded the hat, you can fix this problem by putting the folder "\Top Hat Monacle\" into "...tf\materials\models\player\items\".
Tell me if this still doesn't work on any or all servers where other pyro hats do. I've put the materials in a folder other than "...\items\pyro" because I'm planning on using them for a pack, and I'd like them to all use the same, shared materials.
A big thanks to Mr. Tannhauser for emailing me about this!
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