Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-22 23:11:43 163 views
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1) Doubleclick Pepsi-Cola-bottle.rar, thus opening WinRAR. (If you do not have WinRAR, 'tis a free download from http://www.rarsoft.com/rar/wrar380.exe)
2) Select the 'materials' folder and Extract it (or, if you prefer, you can drag it) onto your desktop or folder of choice.
3) Move/Cut/Copy/etc. the 'materials' folder (and everything inside!) to your Team Fortress 2 folder. By default this folder is located at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\\team fortress 2\tf.
4) Restart Steam, and enjoy your new bottle skin!
Do you have any questions? Comments? Need a friend? E-Mail me: muffins11one@gmail.com
Message from Author(ME, Teknomuffin): This is my first skin that I am releasing to the public. I'm just starting out, and I needed to start off simple, so this reskin isn't much.
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