| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-12-31 17:38:06 141 view For anyone else who find Palutena having the same hair color for every alt costume to be kinda boring when characters like Lucina have all of them changed based on the character the skin is based on.
Hair colors and eye colors for slots 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are changed to match the characters from Kid Icarus: Uprising that her original alt costumes were based off of.
Slot 3: Pandora Slot 5: Pandora Slot 6: Viridi Slot 7: Dark Pit Slot 8: Medusa
Slots 2 and 4 (and 1 of course) are unchanged due to being based on original sprites and/or official artwork that keeps Palutena's regular green hair.
Comes with full UI and models for 8-Player Smash. Basically everything that you need.
Feel free to use or edit this for whatever, ask my permission since that's a nice thing to do and it makes me feel good about myself, be sure to credit me if you do.
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