| Добавил: The DSystem 2017-03-11 15:34:12 144 views I just took the textures from the brawl Luigi and edited it for Smash 4. I hope you enjoy it. 1. Create a Folder called: USA: 0005000010144f00 EUR: 0005000010145000 JPN: 0005000010110e00 (you need also a Folder called "wii u", on YouTube it has many Tutorials.) 2. Drag the patch Folder in the Folder with the Numbers. 3. Copy the Number Folder to a SD Card. 4. Plugin the SD Card to the Wii u. 5. Open the Internet Browser and tipe in loadiine.ovh, then select SD Cafiine + Kernel and click on submit. 6. Go again on loadiine.ovh and then a side should Pop up, then just press A. 7. Open Smash and have fun!
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