| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-12-08 18:54:15 105 views Female Corrin received male Corrin's outfit colors, so it's rather surprising that male Corrin hasn't gotten female Corrin's outfit colors yet. Well, I took the time to implement female Corrin's outfit colors onto male Corrin, which took me a good amount of hours to pull off. The black outfit was the trickiest to cover, since I had to drastically alter the brightness of Corrin's body with a large amount of alpha layer modifications.
All three of these hacks use their own color slot, which are c08 (l08) for orange, c10 (l10) for pink, and c12 (l12) for black. I also made sure to include the extra models, since they are mandatory for adding new color slots. However, the trail effects haven't been figured out yet.
To give Corrin new color slots, you will need to edit a file named ui_character_db.bin.
ui_character_db.bin can be found in the following directory...
To edit ui_character_db.bin, you will need a parameter editing tool. You must then look for Entry[58] inside Group[1]; that entry is for Corrin.
Name 7 is the amount of color slots that Corrin has. Names 21 through 36 play a factor on which character names will be used. The narrator will say "Corrin", regardless of Corrin's gender, but you should still use the proper name value for the specific gender anyway. The values range from...
1 = Male Corrin 2 = Female Corrin
Names 37 through 52 only use values 0 or 1 for Corrin, with 0 being used for unused color slots.
After making the changes to ui_character_db.bin, make sure that you implement it onto ALL the language folders so that the changes are applied for any language you're using.
Lastly, when using Sm4shExplorer to pack your mod, you will have to make sure that the extra color slot folders that are inside the following directory are set to be packed.
The color slot folders that are inside the "dragonhand", "spearhand", and "waterdragon" folders will be packed for you when the mod is created.
Credits go to RandomTBush for his 3ds Max script, as his script really helped me with properly changing the texture IDs for Corrin's models.
In regards to the portraits that are included in the download, due to the way Smash Wii U handles the portraits for the DLC fighters, you will have to modify the DLC portraits in ALL the language folders if you want the modified DLC portraits to appear in every language. The download fully covers the NTSC-U version, but PAL version owners will have to copy the portraits onto the other language folders on their own. The DLC portraits are stored in...
Note: The portraits that are included in the download are temporary placeholders until actual portraits can be created.
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