| Добавил: Tiratore 2015-10-01 13:27:23 116 views
My First Portal Skin ^__^ ____________________________________________________________________ "JChan" is my girlfriend xD This skin's made for her :) Her favorite characters are Lightning from Final Fantasy 13, and Eureka from Eureka 7 (thus the imprints on the side). Also, her favorite color is pink soo... yes :) If you hate it, then really, fuck you ^_^ It's only for people who like it xD Modifications: (not many) -Colored it Pink -Added Differenced Pictures of Eureka (Eureka 7) and Lightning Farron (Final Fantasy 13) Editors Cons: Uhm.. well I do have one con. In thirdperson OR PortalvsPortal (Refer to Picture 4) which is known as "World View", I can't seem to figure out what to change so it shows up as the same thing :| So maybe I'll update it later on when I figure it out ^^; And no, I don't expect much of a rating on this. Actually, the only acceptance I wanted was from my girlfriend since it was for her in the first place xD Keywords: | |