| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-09 15:06:46 134 views
Animated Bile Bomb skin, animation is stylized to resemble water "flow", glows in dark.
Modified particle effect applies.
- 1024x VTF DXT5 animated texture, 60 frames total (30fps playback)
- alpha channel animates as well, acts as selfillum mask
- exponent map for the cap is separate to not conflict with selfillum
- non-dirt glass texture
- particle effect: increased "splash"
- vpk size is 82 mb
- lacking better idea, I've put Sea|Man from southpark onto the cap sticker
- If you hold the bomb, you may see some parts of it kinda jerking.. not my fault, exists in original skin, it is just more noticeable with this skin
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