Добавил: The DSystem 2016-02-05 16:24:06 108 views
Hey everybody! Been a while!
I promised this skin during the Christmas week of 2010. Sorry it's not out sooner. But because of it, I'm throwing in a little extra!
You know I'm a maniac for Dead Rising. If you didn't know already, you do now. When playing Dead Rising 2, one of the first things people think once getting back to the safe house is "Man, that Security Guard looks a lot like Bill from Left 4 Dead!". Well, yes, he does, and now, they're more or less one in the same!
And so completes the Dead Rising character saga for the Left 4 Dead 1 Survivors.
"And yet he complained that his belly was not full."
Enjoy the skin!
People liked my (well, BlooCobalt's) Dead Rising 1 Frank West Skin. I know that this is really, really simple, but I made Frank West's suit from Dead Rising 2: Case West for Nick. It's a plain old black suit with a white shirt. Nothing overly special, but still Dead Rising related, so I figured I might as well do it!
Until next time, chiiiildren, this is Shawn.Savard signing off! Keep fighting the good fight (against zombies)
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