Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-23 16:32:59 149 views
Title:Ellis skin pack
Description:This mod will give you 2 Ellis skins, One is a RPD cop, from resident evil, and the other is a vault 101 jumpsuit from fallout 3.
backup your "pak01_dir" choose one of the "pak01_dir" included in this file and put it in your l4d2 file.
for manual install, for the RPD skin, open Pak01_dir with notepad++ and press ctrl and h, and type in
$baseTexture "models\survivors\mechanic\mechanic_body_color" on the first one, and $baseTexture "models\survivors\mechanic\bechanic_body_color" and press replace all, this will replace the body, for the hat, put in
$baseTexture "models\survivors\mechanic\mechanic_head_color"
and in the secend one, put
$baseTexture "models\survivors\mechanic\bechanic_head_color"
for vault 101 suit, replace the "B" in bechanic with vechanic.
Yes, I know, its alot easier to just replace the "Pak01_dir"
Thanks to "ZAKENKNIGHT" for his wolf ellis mod,that I used as a base for both of my skins.
Here is a link to his mod:"/skins/l4d2/survivors/ellis-wolf.html"I also thank "THEREAPER" for his tut on how to skin boomer bile, it helps alot for new skinners like me.
If you want to lear how to skin, use this: http://www.fpsbanana.com/tuts/9309
And thanks to all of you for downloading and have a happy holiday.
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