Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-23 19:56:36 126 views
You can already use one assembly, simply copy in the folder …/Left 4 Dead/left4dead2/ following files:
1.Folder materials
2.File whitelist.cfg
3.File pak01_dir.vpk
Use next instruction:
1.Copy the folder materials in …/Left 4 Dead/left4dead2/
2.Open file whitelist.cfg and add the line [ "add" "materials/models/..."]
3.Open pak01_dir.vpk with a Notepad++!
4. Pak_01.dir Edit:
Find "models\v_models\Weapons\shotgun/V_shotgun_wood"
edit "models\v_models\Weapons\shotgun/V_shotgun_woob"
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