Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-22 16:32:36 106 views
My first skin, bringing Zoey's Converse to life in a variety of colours from the standard black and white (off-white beige version) to blue, red, green and purple, while also filling in with the standard white lace and familiar logo. Everything else remains default.
1) Back up your files (whitelist.cfg and pak01_dir.vpk).
2) Place the whitelist.cfg and pak01_dir.vpk in /Steam/steamapps/common/left 4 dead. Overwrite where neccesary.
3) Place the survivors folder in /Steam/steamapps/common/left 4 dead/left4dead/materials/models. Overwrite where neccesary.
4) Choose the colour of Converse you want and place toey_color.vtf in /Steam/steamapps/common/left 4 dead/left4dead/materials/models/survivors/teenangst.
5) Play L4D. Enjoy.
Converse logo property of Converse.
Default Skins property of the L4D team.
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